



本学園の創立者 堀 栄二先生は、明治38年(1905年)渡米、8年間アメリカで勉学し、当時としては新しかったアメリカ的商業教育を導入した実践的な努力家であった。大正2年(1913年)帰国するや、逸早く享栄ビジネスカレッジを創立した。次いで、享栄デパートを創立、一時期は貿易商の社長をも兼ねるなどの活躍をしながら、教育と経済社会とを結びつける、いわゆる「実社会に役立つ教育」の実践を行った。







日本人は、本来勤勉な国民である。戦後の荒廃から立ち上がり、今日の 経済的繁栄をもたらしたのは日本人の勤勉さの賜である。勤勉な資質の裏付けがあってはじめて、豊かさを享受することができ、生活にゆとりを持つことが可能 となろう。われわれは自己の仕事を愛し、仕事に忠実であり、仕事に打ち込むことができる人でなければならない。




創立者は、感謝の念の強い人であった。仏教に帰依し、昭和5年 (1930年)に享栄寺本堂を建立したのもこの感謝の念からであった。たえず不平不満を感じる人ほど不幸な人はない。小さな好意や親切にも感謝できる人は 幸福である。感謝の念に裏付けられて社会は明るくなり、健全な進歩が期待されるのである。また、われわれは生命の根源に対して畏敬の念をいだくべき である。われわれは自ら自己の生命を生んだのではない。われわれの生命の根源には父母の生命があり、民族の生命があり、人類の生命があり、宇宙の生命があ る。ここにいう生命とは、単に肉体的な生命を指すのではない。われわれには精神的な生命がある。このような生命の根源に対する畏敬の念が真の宗教的情操であり、人間の尊厳と愛もこれに基づいて生ずるのである。


創立者は、長らくアメリカに滞在し国際的視野を身につけ、技術的には アメリカのものを多く導入したが、精神的には強く日本のよさにひかれ、国を愛する念が強かった。今後ますます進展する国際化時代を迎え、国際社会で活躍し ていくためには、正しく日本を愛し、その上で、国際的視野を広げ、異文化を理解し、人間愛に基づく広い視野をもって、国際社会の要請に応えていかなければ ならない。今日、世界において、国家に所属しないいかなる個人もなく、民族もない。国家は世界において最も有機的であり、強力な集団である。個人の幸福も 安全も国家によるところが極めて多い。自国の存在に無関心であり、その価値の向上に努めずして、その価値を無視したり、その存在を破壊しようとする者は自 国を憎むものである。われわれは日本を正しく愛さなければならない。



Become a Sincere and Reliable Person

Eiji Hori, the founder of this institution was a practical and hard-working man who from 1905 studied in the United States for eight years. He then introduced American-style industrial arts education to Japan, something that was new for that era.

Upon his return to Japan in 1913 he quickly established the Kyoei Business College. This was followed by the establishment of the Kyoei Department Store. While temporarily serving as the president of a trading company, he proceeded to blend education with the economy of actual society. He put into practice the slogan "Education that benefits society".

While Kyoei Business College became Kyoei Trade School and then Kyoei Industrial School it always maintained the importance of such concepts as possessing a global viewpoint, having enterprising practicality, and establishing trade,. However, in his heart, Mr. Hori was never Americanized. He loved Japan and respected its history and culture. He and his family returned to Buddhism and in 1930 the Kyoei Temple was erected so that his faith would not be limited to himself but could also have a religious effect on all who knew him.

In May of 1946 I became the person responsible for this institution. At that time I had to consider how I would express the teachings of the founder. There were shortages of food and other commodities. The people of Japan were still shocked by the loss of the war. They didn't know what to believe in and were filled with despair. It was under these conditions that we offered a place founded in sincerity where students could respect their teachers and teachers could respect their students. Thereby nurturing the school creed "Become a sincere and reliable person". To realize this the following objective goals were established:

1.Become a reliable human being.

A reliable person is earnest, trustworthy, and dependable. A person brave in peace, of strong will, and deeply resolved not to follow blindly the will of others. There is no society more unhappier than one in which its people cannot rely on one another. Could it not be that the danger faced by modern man is that people have neglected to trust one another?

2.Know the joy of working.

The Japanese are in essences a people that study. The reason Japan rose from the ashes of war to the economic prosperity of today is because of the ability of its people to study. Once one is backed with the disposition to study one can then receive abundant benefits that make fullness in life possible. We must be people that love the work we do, be devoted to that work, and become absorbed in it.

3.Put forth all your energy into your experiences.

Pour all your energy into whatever you do, be it study or sport. In sports you should take your natural abilities to their limits. In study you should challenge your strong spirit with new experiences. It is through these experiences that you will gain the confidence that will be of great value to society. This holds true for professional athletes.

4.Be grateful and reverent.

The founder of this institution was a man of deep gratitude. It was because of his sense of gratitude that he returned to Buddhism and in 1930 built the Kyoei Temple.There is no person more unhappy than one who always complains. A happy person is grateful for even the smallest act of goodness or kindness. One who has a sense of gratitude will make society brighter and can expect to progress in good health.

Moreover, we should have a sense of reverence for the source of our life, as we cannot give life unto ourselves, The source of life is the life of our mothers and fathers; it is the life of our people; it is the life of mankind; it is the life of the universe. Life is not simply what we see in flesh and bone but also has a spiritual element. It is this sense of reverence towards the source of life that forms the essence of religious sentiment and from which is borne the respect and love of man.

5.Become a person
who loves the best of Japan and has an international outlook.

The founder spent many years in America and developed an international outlook. He introduced American technology to Japan. Yet these things gave him a deep appreciation of the goodness of Japan and increased his love for it.

In the future, as we progress into an age of internationalization and participate in a global society, we must love the best of Japan and then widen our international outlook so that we can understand cultures that are different from ours. Based on a foundation of love for mankind, we must widen our view to meet the needs of a world-wide society.

In the world of today, there are no individuals or groups of people that do not belong to a nation. A nation is the strongest group and the most organic in the world. Large numbers of people obtain their safety and happiness from nations. Yet there are people who do not appreciate the existence of the own country. The number of people who ignore the value of their country, who do nothing to improve its value, or who try to destroy it, are increasing. Therefore, we must love the best of Japan.