

創立者 堀 栄二
Founder Eiji Hori



本学園80年余の礎を築いた創立者堀栄二先生は、明治19年(1886年)10月、紺屋業を営む堀松次郎 氏の次男として名古屋市中区裏門前町で生まれました。市立名古屋商業学校を卒業後、明治38年(1905年)11月、アメリカヘの留学の途につき、大正2年(1913年)1月に帰国するまでに次々と学位を取得しました。

創立者は、自ら研鑚した米国式の商業教育でもって社会で直ぐ役立つ実業人の達成、実業教育に一生を捧げようと、「英習字簿記学会」(大正4年(1915年)以降は自ら好んで享栄ビジネスカレッジ(K・B・C)という呼称を使用)なる私塾を大正2年 (1913年)6月、名古屋市中区南呉服町に開設しました。これが享栄学園の第一歩でした。創立者は朝4時には起床、門前、庭などを掃き清め仏前で勤行を欠かさない信仰の人でした。毎年5月の善光寺参り、亡父たちが建立した善光寺堂を大正15年(1926年)に天池町に移し、昭和5年(1930年)には本堂を建立、また民間信仰にも強い関心を持っていました。教育方針は米国で修得した商業教育を基礎にしており、その着想は斬新で、海外修学旅行や商業教育実習のための享栄デパートの経営など目を見張らせるものがありました。



Profile of the founder

The founder of our institution, Eiji Hori, whose work this school has continued for eighty years, was born in October of 1886 in Uramonzen-cho, Naka-ku, Nagoya. He was the second son of Matsujiro Hori who operated a dye shop. After graduating from the Nagoya Public Commercial High School, he left in October of 1905 for the United States of America to study and remained there until January of 1913, studying many different subjects. After returning to Japan, he wanted to use the American style of vocational education to nurture students who would immediately contribute to society as actual workers. To realize this goal the Eishuji Accounting Academy was established in Minami Gofuku-cho, Naka-ku, Nagoya in June of 1913. The school was renamed Kyoei Business College (or K.B.C.) after 1915. This was the beginning of Kyoei Gakuen.

Eiji Hori was a devout Buddhist who rose at 4 a.m. each day to clean the garden and gate area and say his prayers. Every year in May he would visit Zenkohji Temple and in 1926 he moved the temple his ancestors had built to a location in Amaike-cho. Being a man who maintained an interest in the folk religion of common people he built a main hall for the temple in 1930.

Eiji Hori developed a new type of vocational education based on what he had learned in the United States and applied it to Kyoei Department Store which also provided on-the-job training and opportunities to study abroad.

During World War Ⅱ Kyoei Gakuen was aerial bombed twice in 1945 and reduced to a burnt-out field. After the war, Eiji Hori carried on by holding his classes in empty factories that had once manufactured military goods. However, he suddenly took ill and passed away on April 9th, 1946. The traditions and responsibilities of rebuilding the school were then transferred to Yosifumi Hori, the present director.